Last night just as i was going to bed i noticed on twitter a retweet about the OSINT DOJO.
This really peaked my interest as it ties really well into my aims for the next year. In order to get started on this journey i thought it would be a good idea to set up this blog, which will help with the completion of ranks, and help track my progress and learning to becoming an OSINT Dojo Shogun.
There are five of ranks and to complete but first we must start at the beginning.
What is required to complete the first rank of Student?
1: Participate in an OSINT CTF
2: Attempt 2 OSINT quizzes of any kind. Don't just make a guess, show the reasoning behind your answer!
3: Create and share a 2-minute video showcasing the steps you took to solve a previous OSINT quiz
4: Write and publish an article, tweet, or blog post of at least 250 words showcasing steps you took to solve a previous OSINT quiz
5: Introduce yourself to the OSINT community and let others know you are ready to learn by including the hashtag #OSINTDOJO
To start of with i have participated in a Trace Labs CTF and am looking forward to doing more of them next year. These are great events for practicing your OSINT skills and are very different set of OSINT skills than the ones i require at work. So with that i have already completed one of the requirements for the student rank.
2-4 requirements are what this blog will be used for. I have completed a few of the Quiztime crews quizzes but never blogged or posted about them so this i will need to improve on.
5 is this post, so hello.
OSINT Day 1 Quiz
As part of the first day there is also a quiz to find the Sensei behind the OSINT Dojo.
So here goes on my first answer to an OSINT quiz.
We are told that there are three flags to be found and each one would leads us the the name of the Sensei. First i loaded the pages and had a browse though each page to look for any obvious visual flags. There were none.
The next was to look at the source code to review if anything had been hidden in there.
Two choices here, you can read the whole source code or you can do a quick search for something like flag or secret. The search for flag highlighted the following within the HEAD section of the webpage:
So between the STARTFLAG and ENDFLAG is six characters that look like hex. So putting that into CyberChef form GCHQ we get win as the output.
So we have win as a clue as to who is the Sensei of the OSINT Dojo. Heading back to twitter can see that the OSINT Dojo account is following 105 accounts.
Opening the list and scrolling to the bottom to allow twitter to load all the names and then searching for win until one was found in an account name showed the following:
The account Sinwindie profile description confirmed that that was the account that is the OSINT Dojo Sensei.
I did find all three flags as i couldn't not try and find them all, but that will be in another post.